The T-day coming up I thought I'd share what I am thankful for... seems like I'm first thankful for a day that you can pig out & not worry what everyone thinks when you go for that second helping of schmashed potatoes.. ya know?! Plus a day to be with family and or friends. I'm thankful for the gals who have supported me & work here at the store.. without them I'd be a zombie half the time. They keep me on my toes here. I am thankful for the wonderful guest that have come into the store. I have met some new faces & friends .... thank you much. I'm always thankful for the 2 boywonders in my life- my husband Dan & my son Cameron. I thank you all for the support- kindness- love & all that jazz.
The store will be closed Wednesday- Thursday & Friday. I am not closing to make sure I can be in the Black Friday lines.. oh no..not me. I may be crazy to do it once.. but I'm not that crazy to do it twice! All of us here wish you & your family a Happy Thanksgiving.