Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Finding a funny

In the scrapbook world we always find our funnies.. this is a funny. I admit to finding this on another blog.. the guy- YES a guy and you have to check it out.... Life of a scrapper's husband. The point of view from a guy is quite funny. NOW- if Dan (the dh) would ever take the time to do a blog.. pretty sure this would be it. .and even funnier if a friend of his Mike - jumped in with him. So I asked myself "would it be FUN to scrap a page from the husbands point of view of what is it like to be a wife of a scrapper? So I challenge you to do the same.. and now I may even have a contest on this.. so keep in touch here to see if I do.. and ANYONE can enter.. near OR far.. come on why not?? Okay-- yes- I'll have a contest on this. For 1st- 2nd & 3rd-- you have until October 31st to enter. I'll add MORE details later once me-myself & I have it all figured out!

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